Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Rescue a Sumatran Tiger from the Talang Sebaris Village

Sumatran tiger 'Tarisa' that be captured at Talang Sebaris Village

Since February 15, 2011 there is a sumatran tiger seen wandering through the Talang Sebaris village, in southern region of Bengkulu. The tiger prey on cattle and has injured a villager. Finally the tiger was rescued and relocated to the city of Bengkulu to get a temporary treatment before release back again into Its habitat.

Talang Sebaris Village

Capture Sumatran tiger to mitigate conflicts between tigers and humans is not a good solution if done continuously and also moved out of the province of Bengkulu because over time the tiger's fate will be like the Sumatran rhinoceros, which eventually became extinct because of continued captured and relocated out Bengkulu.

Mitigate Human-Tiger Conflict at Talang Sebaris Village
That should be done is to protect the tiger habitat from damage and not take the tiger from its habitat to be moved to another place. If this is done continuously, so that we will lose Tiger forever in Bengkulu one day.

Sumatran tiger 'Tarisa' in trap

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